
2014-12-07 21:44:00 by dragondjf
pluginbaseFlask的作者**Armin Ronacher**python写的一个插件库,简单易用

Step 1:

Create a “plugin base” object. It defines a pseudo package under which all your plugins will reside. For instance it could be yourapplication.plugins:

from pluginbase import PluginBase
plugin_base = PluginBase(package='yourapplication.plugins')

Step 2:

Now that you have a plugin base, you can define a plugin source which is the list of all sources which provide plugins:

plugin_source = plugin_base.make_plugin_source(
    searchpath=['./path/to/plugins', './path/to/more/plugins'])

Step 3:

To import a plugin all you need to do is to use the regular import system. The only change is that you need to import the plugin source through the with statement:

with plugin_source:
    from yourapplication.plugins import my_plugin

Alternatively you can also import plugins programmatically instead of using the import statement:

my_plugin = plugin_source.load_plugin('my_plugin')


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